How is the Federal Government
abusing its power? Let me count the
· The
IRS selected hundreds of citizens for special harassment and intimidation based
on their personal beliefs, then called the abuse “poor customer service.”
· The
FBI analyzed the phone records of perhaps hundreds of journalists, and the
Department of Justice intimidated reporters and their families from a specific
news network, in order to identify sources of “leaks,” while senior
Congressional and Administration officials routinely leaked information helpful
to their political positions without interference.
· After
years of saying they are focused on arresting and deporting the most dangerous
of illegal aliens, officials from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement directed
the release of hundreds of those people from custody, to include some felons,
in order “to save money.”
FAA used the same excuse to ensure sequester cuts strike the American people in
a painful way, in order to discourage further budget measures.
· Some
military contractors supporting our troops on the ground in Afghanistan have
been told to work only 40 hours per week – DOD is only paying for the war from
8-5 each day.
· The
head of Customs and Border Protection repeated the Secretary of Homeland
Security’s claim that the border is the safest it has ever been, while media
reports that members of Mexican drug cartels are settling in on US soil to
create and control drug distribution networks in the American heartland.
· ATF(E)
agents leaned on reluctant gun shops to cooperate in a scheme to sell weapons
illegally, follow the purchasers, and prove American complicity in Mexican drug
violence – a scheme that led to the death of an American law enforcement
officer, the loss of hundreds of weapons, and no evidence of large scale
illegality on the American side of the border.
· Members
of the Department of Defense (and of Congress) used essential budget
legislation to by-pass centuries-old prohibitions against the use of the US
military for law enforcement on US soil,
while cooperating in a push for greater use of drones and special operations
troops domestically.
· The
Departments of Education and Justice pressed for the adoption of “speech codes”
on American campuses that would stifle political opposition to Administration
positions on social issues.
· The
General Services Administration expended more than $800,000 on a lavish
conference in Las Vegas. (Apparently, this was only one of several such events.)
· The
President’s Secret Service detail partied with Colombian prostitutes after an
official state visit, in an event that has all the hall marks of being not a
one time “mistake,” but a standard practice accepted by the agency culture.
The list of government abuse and over
reach goes on and on. Everybody surprised by this turn of events raise your
hand. Well, some hands are up and some
are not. Why?
Because to build a working system of
government, you must begin with a vision for how the world works, and why the
men and women in the world behave the way they do. Over the last several
centuries, Western political philosophers have identified four basic ways to
think about interactions between citizens and government. One of those visions –
and only one -- predicts what we are seeing today: that without extraordinary
efforts and extraordinary leadership, concentrations of government power will
always result in extraordinary abuse. That vision alone explains why our
government appears to be spinning out of control. Let’s see what the various
visions say, and why only one is not surprised by current events.
1) Aristocrats (and that includes elites
created by money and politics as well as those created by birth) hold that the
“little people” of society are incapable of ruling themselves or making political
decisions. Elites must rule thorough force, laws, and regulations, else average
citizens will crash the complex machinery of government and international
affairs – machinery only they can run and which rewards them handsomely for
their efforts. Elites love BIG GOVERNMENT because it is the means they use to
exercise power. They focus on how to grow it, not on how to control it. And
they never consider that their self-serving guidance might be wrong.
2) Liberals hold that society can only
function fairly when everyone has an equal say in decisions and an equal claim
on resources. That can only happen when all existing property rights and existing
notions of morality are destroyed, and all voices representing the existing
order are silenced. This view-point was
born as a reaction against the horrible abuses of power by European aristocrats
that generated the French Revolution. Like
the French Revolutionaries, modern Liberals seek to destroy the old order so
that a new, more benign order can emerge. And emerge it will (Liberals believe),
because Mankind is basically good, and when stripped of the evil influences of
the Old Order, peace and fairness will
just naturally emerge. Of course,
smashing the old order is no small task. It requires BIG GOVERNMENT, directed
by a Liberal elite. If that sounds dangerous, don’t worry – Liberal beliefs and
doctrine (their theology holds) will prevent the new elite from abusing power
like the old.
(By the way, “Progressive”
is just the new branding for “Liberal”, after that original brand was tarnished
when China and the Soviet Union took their philosophies to a logical conclusion
– and failed.) Liberals and Progressives love BIG GOVERNMENT because it makes
BIG CHANGES easy. They don’t worry much about big abuses.
3) A third view of how the world works might
be called “Constructivist.” It argues that Mankind is a blank slate, and people
can be “constructed” into a more peaceful and perfect model if all aspects of
society, from families to education to private industry, are shaped according to new controls over social
interaction. There are many different visions for reconstructing Mankind.
Differences between male and female, one vision holds, might be eliminated if
gender neutral policies were made and enforced in every aspect of life. A
different vision suggests that society might be improved by substituting female
characteristics for male dominance in the ordering of things. Or society might be “constructed” differently
by enforcing a new environmental consciousness on social activity. What these
differing visions share is a conviction that people have no fixed nature. So
completely reconstructing all social interaction will completely change human
behavior. Of course, this big task requires BIG GOVERNMENT to enforce the many
essential changes that pesky people refuse to make on their own. (As when men
refuse to surrender their manhood, competition refuses to surrender to collectivism,
and workers insist on ownership of what they have created and built.)
For those trying to reconstruct
human nature, disruption and interference with the lives of ordinary citizens
is not considered a danger. It is, in fact, the whole point of government.
And by the way, many big businesses
assumed to be conservative in nature are actually constructivist in behavior.
They want BIG GOVERNMENT support and protection in artificially inflating
markets, while supposedly benefiting the world from their own growth and
The fourth world view generated by modern Western thinking arose in
America from a unique combination of location, timing and events that allowed
the fusing of three important developments:
Renaissance, which brought the benefits of science, engineering and learning
into everyday life.
Reformation, which taught that because Jesus died for each person individually,
each person has individual worth.
Great Awakening, which established broadly the idea that every person has the free
will to do either good or evil, and the responsibility to choose between them.
This vision might be called Traditional
American Conservatism. It holds that
citizens can use government to protect and even advance societal interests, but
must be on guard lest the collection of BIG GOVERNMENT POWER and Man’s natural
inclination to abuse that power, turn the master of the government into the
slave of the bureaucracy.
Now here is why this matters to you
today. Three of the four visions for
government design and activity created over the last 300 years of Western
history, call for the establishment of BIG GOVERNMENT to accomplish their
purpose -- all without any thought for how to control the BIG BUREAUCRACY which
is sure to follow. Conservatism alone
sees the need to create checks and balances, and responsible leadership to take
control over and responsibility for the steadily growing power of the
government bureaucracy.
Unfortunately, much of the
discussion about federal government arrogance, over reach and abuse making the
rounds today is really a thinly disguised way to punish or protect the current
occupant of the White House.
A better starting point for discussion
would be “Does the nature of men and women make any large collection of power
suspect – thus requiring responsible leadership inside the organization, and
aggressive oversight from outside?”
In other words, do traditional Conservatives
have a better vision of how government should be organized and constrained than
do those focused on building BIG GOVERNMENT without a thought of controlling it?
One of the best soldiers I know said
of the abuse at the Abu Grab prison in Baghdad, “This did not happen because
President Bush and his generals conspired to create a scandal. It happened because low level soldiers in a
big organization knew nobody would be checking on their behavior at 2 o’clock
in the morning.” What does this tell us? That the checks, balances and leadership were not adequate to the task.
Ultimately, we may discover that
President Obama and his closest advisers bear personal responsibility for
ordering or covering up an abuse of trust granted them by the American people.
Or we may not.
But what seems imminently clear is
that regardless of who is in charge, big collections of government power require
strong oversight and leaders we can hold accountable. Perhaps we should even
avoid creating massive collections of power out of concern for the massive
abuses of that power which will inevitably
take place.
That’s a good lesson to remember as
we consider the massive concentration of power being planned at DHS for
domestic security, and at HHS for the implementation of Obama Care.
I agree that the source of our cultural problem is man's flawed, self-centered human nature. The only cure for that is the regenerative power of Jesus Christ that enables men to fulfill the command to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThe only way to love our neighbor is to adhere to those fixed principles of justice and righteousness established by God.
It is not that we don't have checks and balances or even the rule of law, it is a lack of willingness to be accountable ourselves, and to hold those in authority accountable, too. This is the way we love our neighbor, by promoting justice and righteousness and demanding that injustice and unrighteousness be punished according to the law.
As the military guy explained Abu Garhib, the individuals in authority failed to do their duty. The checks and balances were there, but an unused tool means weeds are growing in the garden. Until men in the power of the risen Christ are willing to adhere to and apply God's fixed principles of justice and righteousness, the tares will continue to choke out civil society.