Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekly Radio Topics

Each Wednesday I get 20 minutes (5:05-5:25 pm) on the Dan Cofall show (1190 am, in DFW ) to talk about Homeland and National Security issues.  Here are the notes I provided Dan for possible topics of discussion this week. (click on the podcast button on Dan’s  web site to hear recordings of his shows.)

My top strategic priority this week is Russia. Nothing ISIS can do can imperil the survival of the US. Stumbling into a war with Russia can do that. 
Eastern Europe is Russia’s back yard. We went to war, overt and covert, when the Russians tried to establish military bases off our shores in Cuba, Grenada, and Nicaragua. In case you missed it, each of those was to be the site of a 10,000 ft runway that could accommodate fully loaded Backfire bombers. These locations would have allowed control of our oil shipping lanes across the Gulf of Mexico, and to/from our petrochemical complex stretching from Corpus Christi to Florida. Of course we were ready to fight to prevent that eventually.
Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine – this is the invasion route used to cost 20 million (or more) Russian lives in the last 100 years.  And we think they are just going to lie down and watch a hostile power put forces and airfields in place there? This shows astonishing arrogance and hubris on our part.
So the President is in Europe to write a blank check to East European countries, and to discuss establishing a new NATO reaction force of 4000 troops  (just enough to build themselves a good POW camp), and new bases.  So what will we put on those new bases?  Every jet we put at an airbase in Estonia is one jet we cannot move elsewhere in time of crisis.  Will we buy new forces, or simply spread our weak military even more thinly?
BTW – does everybody remember that WE STARTED THIS by covertly encouraging the toppling of a democratically elected head of government in the Ukraine? I am no fan of Russia or Putin. But neither do I think military posturing with mostly imaginary forces is likely to produce a positive outcome.
(See this link for Senator Sam Nunn's similar call for diplomacy in the Ukraine, and NATO military improvements to back up their bellicose language. ( )

Here is a place where the President’s approach to the situation is paying off.  I just wish he would be a bit more aggressive in doing it.
The strike this week that attacked and killed an al-Shabaab commander (Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr) and some of his deputies was no fluke. It was a well-planned, long term effort to properly position forces, and then kill some especially nasty borderline human beings who threatened US personnel.
Before anyone gets bent out of shape about my slur – this group planned and executed the murder of 60+ innocents in a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. They picked this target because Kenya has worked with the US, the African Union, and other governments to retake cities, towns and the countryside previously conquered by murderous Islamic Radicals. The extended operation to get them has been a big success in President’s Obama’s policy of “Leading from Behind.”
To complete the thought – what al-Shabaad did to civilians, many of them European -- in the mall defies my ability to describe in an open blog. Read some European press reports to learn, for example, about the condition of the children’s bodies that were found in the freezers at the Food Court. ( ) Many specifics are unclear, but the central point is clear. As one friend who has been in this fight told me, “We are at war with cave men.”
Given the many previous statements and policy pronouncements from the White House, I have no doubt that the President personally issued the strike order. Good for him.  Good for the men and women who carried it out.
I also have no doubt that military, intel, and other assets have many more such sub-humans in their sights.  I wish the President would take a few more risks, and pull that trigger against very bad people more often.

From a global perspective . . .
For months now I have been telling the patient listeners of the Dan Cofall show that our entire approach to national security – to include our diplomatic, intelligence, informational, military, and economic elements of power – is based on academic theories about how to build a liberal (small “l”) world order.  Those theories have been taking shape (especially on the left) since the end of the First World War.  They were embraced by many on the right after the fall of the Iron Curtain. They formed part of the rationale for our invasion of Iraq.
And now they are all failing.  All of them. Financers and markets won’t behave the way theories predict. Neither will religious fanatics. Or conquered populations. Or opponents like Putin. Or Edward Snowden.  Or hackers, or illegal immigrants.
It is not just President Obama’s policies that are failing. It is the academic foundation on which they are built. Because the theories that underlie the modern concept of world order do not accurately account for the nature of man.
   And now somebody important is saying the same thing with greater legitimacy than I can provide. See this article by Henry Kissinger, writing in the Wall Street Journal:  . 
The end of a 100 year old intellectual order is a big, big deal . . . even if, like “the Walking Dead,” the elite do not yet understand that they are dead, and why.

People finally get it (especially Great Britain) concerning the threat that radical citizens will return from overseas with a jihadist vision and domestic targets in mind.
Since the afternoon of 9/11 the US government (in both the Bush and Obama administrations) has been scrambling to assure us that no single part of our population poses any greater threat than any other part.  Despite the fact that we have not seen a terrorist attack by a radical Catholic faction since . . . oh . . . EVER . . . the TSA  still searches nuns in habits with mind numbing regularity.
But following the rise of ISIS, the Prime Minister of Britain has just outlined how he plans to direct special focus against people who indicate a desire to travel overseas to train and fight, and those who actually do so.  It would be great to have our President, or Secretary of Homeland Security, or Attorney General address this issue.

This week I would really rather talk about Libya than ISIS. 
The Mideast did not begin to unravel when President Obama brought troops home from Iraq. It began to come apart when the US organized support to “lead from behind” in overthrowing Gadhafi in Libya – a brutal dictator who was non-the-less able to keep even more vicious forces under control. In the aftermath of our decisive support, instead of becoming an “Arab Spring” with a moderate democracy, Libya has been engulfed by radicals, lunatics and bandits. And the virus has spread to other countries. ISIS is just the latest such disaster.
Many news articles this week  address the anarchy that has developed there, to include the rise of some of the most extreme radical groups – armed with weapons we could not secure when our actions threw open the doors to Gadhafi’s military storehouses.
Note, for example, this article about the loss of several commercial airliners in the recent fighting.  I wonder where and when we will see them again.

And finally – saved for last, a story that rivals Russia as our #1 strategic focus this week . . .
The Washington Post has posted a disturbing story about the danger that Ebola will break out of the area in West Africa where it is presently contained.
The head of the US Centers for Disease Control is just back from seeing the situation first hand, and he is shocked at conditions and the danger the disease presents. The Washington Post article describes
“overwhelmed isolation centers, riots breaking out over controversial quarantines, infected bodies lying in the streets, medical workers dying in shocking numbers, entire health systems crumbling and Ebola wards with such scant resources that they are little more than where ‘people go to die alone.’ ”
This is the most alarmist report I have seen, coming from a paper with a reputation for measured language. To borrow from an earlier point, looks like our theories about the positive  benefits of globalization are about to be tested.

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