Current politics aside (no easy
deal, I know), I really want to believe that my government has my best
interests at heart – that it is doing its best to protect me and my
Constitutional rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So when
government seems to slip the leash and threaten me, I look for simple reasons.
Maybe somebody is making bad decisions within an otherwise good system.
However, it is increasingly
difficult to maintain this positive attitude toward the Department of Homeland
Security. I know some good people who work there. But questionable decisions
are beginning to sketch a distressing pattern.
does DHS suddenly need 7,000 M4/AR-15 “assault rifles” for “self-defense?”
(Remember the AR-15? That’s the weapon Administration officials have been
telling us has no utility for self-defense.)
purchase 1.6 Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition? (After weeks of growing citizen
consternation, DHS did offer an explanation of sorts. The numbers did not add up.)
buy 2,700 armored vehicles designed for street combat in Iraq?
train the first cohort of 1,600 people in a “FEMA Corps,” and then not use them
in Hurricane Sandy?
buy 30 drones and establish the legal justification for using them in the US?
encourage training exercises featuring a Zombie invasion of thousands of
ravenous, contagious citizens, where containment and control are the objectives
instead of assisting the wounded?
me for seeing a pattern. But something is wrong here.
Individually, these DHS actions
might be explained away. The “Zombie
Invasion,” for example, might be just a clumsy attempt to lighten up a boring
and depressing exercise about recovering
from a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD). The problem is that the government has
chosen not to explain, when such explanations should be simple and easy. Now we
are stuck assembling the pieces of this puzzle by ourselves. And the most
logical picture seems to look like a government arming itself for war against
its citizens.
So let me offer an alternative that
puts government actions in the most positive possible light.
Perhaps this is all part of a
reasonable, non-political plan to address the biggest challenge in homeland
security – response to a catastrophic attack with a WMD.
The good news in the field of emergency
response and recovery is that the nation has made great strides in training and
equipping responders at every level – from local towns and private industry, to
state governors and FEMA. Whatever the challenges of Hurricane Sandy (and there
were many, partly because state and local officials did not do their homework
before the event), the response was a model of efficiency and effectiveness,
compared to Hurricane Andrew and other events suffered before the Department of Homeland Security
came of age.
The not-so-good news is that this
progress has been in areas deemed “high probability, low consequence.” That is,
the events are very likely to occur (like an earthquake or a hurricane), but
the consequences are relatively minor to the national as a while This phrase takes some explaining, since
anyone who lost their home to Sandy thinks that is a pretty high
consequence. And it is – to the individual,
family and community – and maybe even the state. However, from the perspective of national
security – that is, concerning the fate of the nation as a whole – the impact
of a normal hurricane or even earthquake is “low” compared to the consequences
of an unlikely but high end WMD (like a nuclear weapon).
In the last five years, a number of
reliable documents from organizations like RAND, The University of Pittsburg
Medical Center, and others have described what Americans can expect if a
nuclear weapon the size of the Hiroshima bomb were to explode in one of our
cities. The results would be
horrendous: tens of thousands killed
outright; more than a hundred thousand seriously injured; broken glass making
downtown streets impassable; widespread fires over dozens of square miles;
ruptured gas and water lines; loss of communications and electricity across the
region; radiation blowing across state borders; and perhaps 6 million people on
the move, without food, water or medical assistance.
And that is if one bomb strikes a single
city. What if bombs went off in two or three locations at once? What if
attackers threatened 20 more bombs in 20 other cities? Who would send rescue
teams to help if they thought they might need those teams locally with a matter
of hours or days? And more importantly, what would conditions be like for
months as the region and the nation tried to recover from such an event?
However horrific those conditions, they
would likely be better than the aftermath of a large scale bioattack with an
agent that left millions dead, tens of
millions infected, and no way to know who was contagious until after
they had spread the disease. With supplies of food, fuel and medicine running
low, and tens of millions of citizens pushed to the edge of desperation, large
stock piles of ammunition and weapons might seem a good investment to senior
officials in DHS. Especially after North Korea, Iran and others continue to
work on just such weapons, with the announced intent of using them.
So maybe – in the best possible case I
can think of – DHS officials are so concerned about WMD attacks that they are
secretly building a force to control the American public in the face of chaos.
If that’s right, and officials have the most benign possible intent . . . then I
still think their purchase of weapons is dead wrong.
If officials are worried about how to
maintain a functioning nation in the face of WMD attack, then they should be
building TRUST with the American people, along with visible means of
cooperation, coordination and assistance – NOT MIS-TRUST based on secret plans
and unexplained weapon purchases that lend themselves to the rumor of “FEMA
Camps” for restive citizens.
After all, we have seen cities destroyed
and rebuilt in the recent past. London, Dresden, Tokyo, Rotterdam, Stuttgart,
Hiroshima, Nagasaki – all were seriously damaged by attack; all found the key
to response and recovery was helping citizens and seeking their support, not
controlling them with the police and military. Even in New Orleans after
Katrina, the reports of panic, rioting and looting turned out to be overblown.
The truth is that except for a few extreme
situations (like being trapped in a burning nightclub) people act out of
rational self-interest, not irrational fear. If the government really wants to
be prepared to respond to a major WMD attack, then they need more open
explanations of what they believe will happen and how citizens can help – and
less focus on secrecy and plans for dominance and control. So if my “best case”
is true, and the purchase of drones and guns and bullets and armored vehicles
is really intended to help Americans in an emergency, then the people making
those purchases have it exactly wrong. Buy less force; build more trust.
Of course, it could be I am the one who has it exactly wrong, and my “best
case” – government officials preparing to protect citizens from a major attack
– is not the reason for this up-gunning of DHS at all. If the “best case” is wrong, it is hard to
think of any middle explanation short of the “worst case” – DHS means these
weapons for use on law abiding American citizens.
Best Case or Worst Case – both cases
looks bad for the American people.
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